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Install OpenStack (with kolla-ansible, Ceph / without python-virtual-env) 본문
Install OpenStack (with kolla-ansible, Ceph / without python-virtual-env)
왕영주 2021. 3. 22. 19:09refer to :
- https://docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/latest/user/quickstart.html
- https://docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/victoria/reference/storage/external-ceph-guide.html
Ceph Node 사전 작업
위 포스팅을 참고하여 통해 우선 Ceph Cluster를 정상적으로 배포해준다.
이후 glance / ciner / nova를 위한 keyring과 pool을 생성한다.
pool create
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph osd pool create volumes
pool 'volumes' created
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph osd pool create images
pool 'images' created
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph osd pool create backups
pool 'backups' created
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph osd pool create vms
pool 'vms' created
pool init
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 rbd pool init volumes
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 rbd pool init images
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 rbd pool init backups
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 rbd pool init vms
keyring 생성
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph auth get-or-create client.glance mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd pool=images' mgr 'profile rbd pool=images'
key = AQDBClhgRbSRAhAAZzfMIQV5PN4j7zkH5Nyf9Q==
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph auth get-or-create client.cinder mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=vms, profile rbd-read-only pool=images' mgr 'profile rbd pool=volumes, profile rbd pool=vms'
key = AQDCClhgCTaKGxAAVOGslUNfwQT6KBqw/Mh4wQ==
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph auth get-or-create client.cinder-backup mon 'profile rbd' osd 'profile rbd pool=backups' mgr 'profile rbd pool=backups'
key = AQDEClhg26l6HRAASw4Fin8Vx9ocdEZj8DNM2A==
copy할 파일 준비
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~/ceph-ansible# mkdir ceph-auth
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph auth get-or-create client.glance |tee ceph-auth/ceph.client.glance.keyring
key = AQDBClhgRbSRAhAAZzfMIQV5PN4j7zkH5Nyf9Q==
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph auth get-or-create client.cinder |tee ceph-auth/ceph.client.cinder.keyring
key = AQDCClhgCTaKGxAAVOGslUNfwQT6KBqw/Mh4wQ==
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# docker exec ceph-mon-yjwang0-ceph-01 ceph auth get-or-create client.cinder-backup |tee ceph-auth/ceph.client.cinder-backup.keyring
key = AQDEClhg26l6HRAASw4Fin8Vx9ocdEZj8DNM2A==
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.conf |tee ceph-auth/ceph.conf
복사할 dir를 미리 생성한다.
Openstack Node에서 작업
root@yjwang0-stack-01:/etc/kolla# mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config/glance
root@yjwang0-stack-01:/etc/kolla# mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config/cinder/cinder-volume
root@yjwang0-stack-01:/etc/kolla# mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config/cinder/cinder-backup
root@yjwang0-stack-01:/etc/kolla# mkdir -p /etc/kolla/config/nova
해당 dir로 config를 복사한다.
Ceph Node에서 작업
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# scp ceph-auth/ceph.conf
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# scp ceph-auth/ceph.client.glance.keyring
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# scp ceph-auth/ceph.conf
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# scp ceph-auth/ceph.client.cinder*
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# scp ceph-auth/ceph.client.cinder*
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# scp ceph-auth/ceph.conf
root@yjwang0-ceph-01:~# scp ceph-auth/ceph.client.cinder.keyring
Openstack Control Node 작업
Update package index
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# apt update
Install python dependencies
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# apt install -y python3-dev libffi-dev gcc libssl-dev
Install dependencies not using a virtual env
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# apt install -y python3-pip
Install Ansible (Require at least 2.9 ver)
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# apt -y install ansible
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# ansible --version
ansible 2.9.6
Clone kolla , kolla-ansible git
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# git clone https://github.com/openstack/kolla
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# git clone https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible
Install requirements of kolla
and kolla-ansible
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# pip3 install ./kolla
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# pip3 install ./kolla-ansible
create /etc/koll
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# mkdir -p /etc/kolla
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# chown $USER:$USER /etc/kolla
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# ls -ld /etc/kolla/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Mar 4 13:32 /etc/kolla/
copy file for installation
cp -r kolla-ansible/etc/kolla/* /etc/kolla
cp kolla-ansible/ansible/inventory/* .
Config Ansible
ansible config file
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# cat ./ansible.cfg
check current config file path
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# ansible --version
ansible 2.9.6
config file = /root/ansible.cfg
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# head -200 multinode
# These initial groups are the only groups required to be modified. The
# additional groups are for more control of the environment.
yjwang0-stack-01 ansible_host=
yjwang0-stack-02 ansible_host=
yjwang0-stack-03 ansible_host=
yjwang0-stack-04 ansible_host=
yjwang0-stack-05 ansible_host=
yjwang0-ceph-01 ansible_host=
yjwang0-ceph-02 ansible_host=
yjwang0-ceph-03 ansible_host=
# These hostname must be resolvable from your deployment host
# The above can also be specified as follows:
#control[01:03] ansible_user=kolla
# The network nodes are where your l3-agent and loadbalancers will run
# This can be the same as a host in the control group
# When compute nodes and control nodes use different interfaces,
# you need to comment out "api_interface" and other interfaces from the globals.yml
# and specify like below:
#compute01 neutron_external_interface=eth0 api_interface=em1 storage_interface=em1 tunnel_interface=em1
localhost ansible_connection=local
...(이하 default)
confirm connection
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# apt install sshpass
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# ssh-keygen -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# for i in 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 32;do ssh-copy-id 10.99.99.$i;done
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# ansible -i multinode all -m ping
Gen kolla password
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# python3 ./kolla-ansible/tools/generate_passwords.py
향후 horizon dashboard에서 사용될 암호이다.
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# cat /etc/kolla/passwords.yml |grep keystone_admin_password
keystone_admin_password: pNXfHhvua8cC0ILxCuwaYimevCmIBLgPcSXQxKNP
kolla globals.yml
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# vim /etc/kolla/globals.yml
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# grep -Ev '^$|^#' /etc/kolla/globals.yml
kolla_base_distro: "ubuntu"
kolla_install_type: "source"
openstack_release: "master"
kolla_internal_vip_address: ""
network_interface: "ens2"
api_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
storage_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
tunnel_interface: "{{ network_interface }}"
neutron_external_interface: "ens5"
enable_openstack_core: "yes"
enable_cinder: "yes"
enable_cinder_backup: "yes"
external_ceph_cephx_enabled: "yes"
ceph_glance_keyring: "ceph.client.glance.keyring"
ceph_glance_user: "glance"
ceph_glance_pool_name: "images"
ceph_cinder_keyring: "ceph.client.cinder.keyring"
ceph_cinder_user: "cinder"
ceph_cinder_pool_name: "volumes"
ceph_cinder_backup_keyring: "ceph.client.cinder-backup.keyring"
ceph_cinder_backup_user: "cinder-backup"
ceph_cinder_backup_pool_name: "backups"
ceph_nova_keyring: "{{ ceph_cinder_keyring }}"
ceph_nova_user: "cinder"
ceph_nova_pool_name: "vms"
glance_backend_ceph: "yes"
cinder_backend_ceph: "yes"
cinder_backup_driver: "ceph"
nova_backend_ceph: "yes"
bootstrap servers
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# cd kolla-ansible/tools/
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# ./kolla-ansible -i ../../multinode bootstrap-servers
Do pre-deployment checks for hosts:
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# ./kolla-ansible -i ../../multinode prechecks
Finally proceed to actual OpenStack deployment:
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# ./kolla-ansible -i ../../multinode deploy
Using Openstack
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# pip3 install python-openstackclient
Create openrc file
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# cd kolla-ansible/tools/
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# ./kolla-ansible post-deploy
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# . /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# openstack network agent list
| ID | Agent Type | Host | Availability Zone | Alive | State | Binary |
| 03571d28-0c8b-4c65-90c6-5b5a3ae17c8b | Open vSwitch agent | yjwang0-stack-05 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| 0909a247-10eb-45a7-9548-0b93f4db7e27 | L3 agent | yjwang0-stack-01 | nova | :-) | UP | neutron-l3-agent |
| 13581e8d-4f2e-45b6-9b78-8221751f2798 | DHCP agent | yjwang0-stack-03 | nova | :-) | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent |
| 339de114-9b30-400a-b42a-9d3e867d7c9d | L3 agent | yjwang0-stack-03 | nova | :-) | UP | neutron-l3-agent |
| 3798bebc-5423-47a4-a889-f7e65bf0e14a | Metadata agent | yjwang0-stack-02 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-metadata-agent |
| 383f8301-ce8e-4976-b815-583e35864321 | DHCP agent | yjwang0-stack-02 | nova | :-) | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent |
| 3b2ffaa3-e908-4431-b2d0-4e8bebd357d7 | Open vSwitch agent | yjwang0-stack-01 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| 3ffae31f-0240-439c-957d-35d7f84ac05a | Metadata agent | yjwang0-stack-03 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-metadata-agent |
| 407509af-64e5-47f5-9f70-041c1c2268de | Open vSwitch agent | yjwang0-stack-02 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| 8435ef0c-84e2-483e-8ea8-6f9d0ed75fb9 | Metadata agent | yjwang0-stack-01 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-metadata-agent |
| a246c897-7fdc-4e6d-8b55-726f4633f4a0 | DHCP agent | yjwang0-stack-01 | nova | :-) | UP | neutron-dhcp-agent |
| a9d0be88-6da7-4501-8dba-986d0d6781ff | Open vSwitch agent | yjwang0-stack-03 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
| b08acc32-2fbb-4275-9445-3206e9e27f87 | L3 agent | yjwang0-stack-02 | nova | :-) | UP | neutron-l3-agent |
| ba97263b-ef18-4927-9f5a-3e295948fc3b | Open vSwitch agent | yjwang0-stack-04 | None | :-) | UP | neutron-openvswitch-agent |
check hypervisor
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# openstack hypervisor list
| ID | Hypervisor Hostname | Hypervisor Type | Host IP | State |
| 3 | yjwang0-stack-04 | QEMU | | up |
| 6 | yjwang0-stack-05 | QEMU | | up |
[option] create example networks, images, etc
Edit Network Information
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# grep -iE '(ext_net).*=' init-runonce
Run scripts
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# ./init-runonce
[option] bash completion
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~/kolla-ansible/tools# openstack complete > /etc/bash_completion.d/osc
Open V switch 확인
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# docker exec -it openvswitch_db ovs-vsctl list-br
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# docker exec -it openvswitch_db ovs-vsctl list-ports br-int
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# docker exec -it openvswitch_db ovs-vsctl list-ports br-ex
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# docker exec -it openvswitch_db ovs-vsctl list-ports br-tun
VM을 생성하면 VM ID로 ceph rbd에 아래와 같이 image가 생성된다.
Instance 정보
root@yjwang0-stack-01:~# openstack server list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks | Image | Flavor |
| e1b4c952-a9af-418e-b9b2-e2deb762d9ce | demo1 | ACTIVE | demo-net= | cirros | m1.tiny |
rbd 정보
[root@yjwang0-ceph-01 /]# rbd ls vms
[root@yjwang0-ceph-01 /]# rbd info vms/e1b4c952-a9af-418e-b9b2-e2deb762d9ce_disk
rbd image 'e1b4c952-a9af-418e-b9b2-e2deb762d9ce_disk':
size 1 GiB in 256 objects
order 22 (4 MiB objects)
snapshot_count: 0
id: 179127eb8cce7
block_name_prefix: rbd_data.179127eb8cce7
format: 2
features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, deep-flatten
create_timestamp: Thu Mar 25 10:20:47 2021
access_timestamp: Thu Mar 25 10:22:45 2021
modify_timestamp: Thu Mar 25 10:24:31 2021